Insurity for Workers’ Compensation
As the market leader in core systems and predictive analytics for workers’ compensation, Insurity delivers unmatched value and expertise to workers’ compensation insurers. Insurity’s comprehensive technology platform is purpose-built for workers’ comp and integrates core systems, predictive analytics, premium audit, and loss control solutions. With Insurity, insurers can modernize their technology strategies and enhance claims management efficiency.

Achieve Market Dominance
Insurity boasts the largest client base for monoline workers' comp insurers, providing unparalleled policy, claims, and predictive analytics solutions

Gain Comprehensive Functionality
Insurity’s workers’ comp solutions are routinely recognized by analysts to have the most comprehensive features and functionality in the industry

Modernize your Tech Stack
Insurity’s cloud-based workers’ comp solutions offer customers a cutting-edge technology stack combined with industry-leading configuration tools
How does Insurity’s workers’ comp software help underwriting teams?
Learn how Insurity empowers customers like AmeriTrust Group to not only provide better insight to their underwriters when writing a new risk, but also helps them to cultivate better relationships with their customers.
Our success stories

How Does Insurity’s Workers’ Comp Software Increase Efficiency?
Learn how Insurity enables insurers, including Midwest Builders’ Casualty Group and AmeriTrust Group, to easily automate routine tasks to increase efficiencies.

Insurity for Workers’ Compensation Solution Overview
Discover how Insurity’s integrated core system and predictive analytics platform can expand your business and improve loss ratios.

What’s It Like to Use Insurity Predict?
See how leveraging predictive analytics allows for UBIC, a workers’ comp carrier, to process a significantly higher volume of business, and provide their underwriters with an even greater level of trusted insight into more complex risks.
Power your workers’ comp on the Insurity Platform
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